Mikrobiolog provjerio što se nalazi na kokicama, rezultati su zapanjujući
Mikrobiolog Tim, koji vodi TikTok račun @whatmightgrow, odlučio je provesti eksperiment o kokicama koje se prodaju u kinima. Nakon svog otkrića, priznao je da će dvaput razmisliti hoće li ikada više pojesti hranu koja je pala na pod, čak i ako nije prošlo više od pet sekundi.
Tim je skupio svježe kokice iz papirnate vrećice i one koje su pale na pod tokom kina. Uzorke je stavio u Petrijevu zdjelicu, a nakon par dana rezultati su bili prilično zapanjujući.
Storytime: In this fun experiment, I went to a movie theater and tested the popcorn they sold. Additionally, for comparison, I grabbed some popcorn off the floor to show that bacteria can grow on popcorn. Unsuprisingly, popcorn from the floor is filthy. However, when I worked as an environmental microbiologist for various industries, this is a common test procedure and I would test items that would be commonly found on the floor. Often I would test factory workers shoes and EVERY SINGLE TIME I would find some of the craziest growths and via PCR it was determined to almost always have pathogens present. The most common pathogen I would see were Staphylococcus, Listeria, E. Coli, and Salmonella. The lesson of this mini experiment is to show what you would find if you were to eat things off the floor. I wish I knew this as a little kid, because I was notorious for going to the candy section where you could scoop out candy into bags, and eating any candy that was on the floor. If I were to guess, the small amount of bacteria found on the “fresh” popcorn would be Staphylococcus which is commonly found on humans and probably came from myself or the movie theater workers. The growth from the floor popcorn could literally be anything and would need PCR for identification. #popcorn#movie#microbiology#bacteria#science#fyp#longervideos
Kokice s poda bile su prekrivene bakterijama i gljivicama. Na svježima pronašao je malu količinu bakterija, vjerojatno stafilokoka, koji se obično nalaze na ljudima.
“Svaki put sam na stvarima s poda nalazio patogene. Najčešće Staphylococcus, Listeria, E. Coli i Salmonella. Lekcija ovog eksperimenta je pokazati što se nalazi na stvarima koje padnu na pod, a koje možda stavljate u usta”, poručio je Tim.
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